Lenze AC Tech

Lenze AC Tech Corporation Announces Product Price Increase

Lenze AC Tech Corporation Announces Product Price Increase: Lenze iscommitted toproducing the most innovative products in the industry. Lenze AC Tech Corporationlatest product offerings of the i500 and the g500 are proving to give our customers a competitive edge in their marketplace with their motion control solutions.

Due to lower productionlevels on Lenze phase-out products, Lenze is forced to implement apriceincrease, effectiveMay 1, 2017. The increase will mostly affect some olderLenzedrive models. Please see the chart below for the products impacted. Products not listed will not be involved in the increase.


Price Increase EffectiveMay 1, 2017

Submicro Series (SCM, SCF, SCL, TML)*
Global Drives (82v, 82m, 93s, 93v, ECS)*
Global Drives Series Accessories and Filters
Electromechanical Small Drives (SSN)10.00%
Controls – EL100, X80010.00%
Controls – EPM-H15.00%
Intorq products, brakes, clutches, couplings,belts, pulleys2.0%


*The Sub Micro Series and Global Drives Series have been in the market for over 15 years and are beginning their phase-out.While the phase-out period is two years away, we would like to assist you in your migration process as it is convenient for you. Please contact Precision Electric: 877-625-2402 for any application or migration assistance.