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Customer Testimonials

“Extremely impressed with how quickly Precision Electric repaired one of our drives that went down. Saved us thousands in downtime.”

“We had an OEM tell us a new servo motor would cost us $10,000, Precision was able to repair it for less than $2,500. Thank you!”

“We had a bunch of equipment that had been damaged or blown up just lying around. We sent these items to Precision and they were able to make us some working spares out of the bad units!”

“We had our machine go down and it was costing us thousands of dollars every day. Precision Electric professionally, and quickly, got us back up and running – and we’re on the other side of the country!”

Short List Of Vendors We Repair

Our Location:

Precision Electric, Inc.
Internet Repair Division
1428 West Sixth Street
Mishawaka, IN 46544