Industrial Pump Repair
PrecisionElectric has been offering industrial sewage and waste water pump repair since 1982. Precision Electric understands the importance of upkeep in sewage and waste water pumps. Precision Electric repairs sewage pumps for routine maintenance and emergency calls. Industrial sewage and waste water pump repair is one of many services Precision Electric offers.
The Sewage and waste water pump repair process consists of a few different stages. Once Precision Electric receives an inquiry for an industrial sewage or waste water pump repair, a field service technician from Precision Electric is sent to the job site. Once the Precision Electric field service technician arrives to the job site, he takes a picture of the submersible pump and assigns a quote number.
Once all the nameplate data is on the work order,Precision Electric assigns the quote request to a Sewage and waste water pump repair technician, and the service tech will test the pump at a test panel. While testing the pump, the Precision Electric technician records the voltage andamperagemeasurements. The waste water pump technician will then begin todisassemblethe pump and determine the root cause of failure.
Once the pump motor is disassembled, Precision Electric inspects the motor winding, seals,impellerand internalcomponents of the sewage pump. All parts are then sent to Precision Electric’s parts cleaning department where they’re steam cleaned, and baked to ensure motor winding is not wet. Once all the parts have been through the parts cleaning department, they’re sent to the Precision Electric machine shop. The Precision Electric machine shop department inspects bearing journals, impeller fits and rotor clearance for propertolerances. During the parts cleaning and tolerance checks, a sewage and waster water pump repair tech will obtain prices of new bearings, seals and all parts that need replacing.
Once Precision Electric determines the cost of repair and expected delivery time, the cost of a new unit is also determined. Precision Electric then presents the customer with a repair quote and a replacement quote. Precision Electric always recommends the customer to keep a spare pump to prevent emergency breakdown.
Call Precision Electric today for a industrial sewage and waste water pump repair quote. OrRequest Sewage and Waster Water Repair Quote Form