Delta Tau CNC Multi-Axis Automation Controls
We’ve Been Servicing the Industrial World Since 1983.
Minimize Your Downtime. Maximize Your Productivity.
Call Toll Free: 1.877.625.2402
Quite often, on more complex moves, suchas moving a laser (2D Motion) in a circle or arobot arm (3D Motion) from picking up a boxto setting it down, more than one motor isrequired.A system is considered multi-axis when ituses multiple motors or feedback (axes)coordinated together (coordinate systems) toperform one or more specific tasks.
CNC (Computer Numerical Control) simplyillustrates the complexity of mathematicsrequired for a high precision system. Thesesystems often interface with an Industrial PC astheir HMI.
Unfortunately we find many multi-axis / CNCsystems utilize proprietary amplifiers (drives)and motor combinations. We pride ourselvesin using Delta Tau controllers, which can beused with virtually any 3rd party drive andmotor combination. This makes it the optimalcontroller to retrofit an already existing systemor building a new one from scratch.
An example of a System Controller, known as the Delta Tau UMAC,the controller cansimultaneously control up to 64axes with extreme precision(within millimeters).
CNC and Multi-Axis Applications Include:
– Robot Packaging Systems
– Laser Cutting Machines
– Water Cutting Machines
– Procedural Systems
– Custom Machining Systems
– Patterning Systems
– Bending Systems
– High Precision Systems
– Robotic Painting Systems
– 2D Linear Motion Systems
– 3D Space Motion Systems
– And Much More
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