VFD Speed Controller
A VFD speed controller is also known as a variable frequency drive, variable speed drive, adjustable frequency drive, VFD or, aninverter.
A VFD speed controller is asolid state electric motor control system, designed to control the speed of an electric motor. A VFD speed controller can reduce energy costsup to 50% by speed reduction on electric motorswhere the full speed of the electric motor is not needed. VFD speed controller functions allow an AC electric motor to only operate when needed, which allows an electric motor to last longer.Technology has allowed VFDs to reduce in cost and physical size, and has improved performance through advances in semiconductor switching devices, simulation, control techniques, control hardware, and software.
Approximately one third of electrical energy in the world is supplied by electric motors in fixed-speed centrifugal pump, fan, and air compressor applications. These fixed-speed applications do not usually require full load speed of the electric motor theyre operating. By installing a VFD speed controller to these applications, electric motor speeds are reduced and power costs can be reduced by 50% or more.Properly applied VFD speed controllers withelectric motorswill also significantly reduce energycosts for variable torque loads such as fans, blowers, and pumps.Blowers are often used with dampers to control air flow that operate either manually or automatically. When dampers are closed, 50% of the electric motor current will drop to approximately 60% of full load nameplate current. By utilizing VFD speed controllersin blower applications, the current draw of the motor will be reduced 30% for every 10% drop in speed. Electric motors controlled by VFD speed controllersat 50% speed will draw approximately 20% of the electric motor full load current.
VFD speed controllersare also used on rotating equipment toreduce amperage spikes upon start up of large electric motors.Adjusting the acceleration and deceleration time of electric motors can extend the lifespan of an electric motor. Using a drive on an electric motor provides the ability to increase or decrease the frequent starting and stopping of an AC electric motor. Limiting the starting and stopping of a motor, and controlling the ramp up and ramp down speed of amotor, allows for decreased wear and extended lifetime of the motor. VFD speed controllers are used in AC servo systems, air compressors, conveyor systems, lathes, mills, plastic extrusion, slitter lines, bottlers, packaging lines, pharmaceutical production, food processing, HVAC systems, waste water treatment systems, submersible pumps, fans, blowers, and many more electric motor applications.
To learn more about VFD speed controllers, or, for drive repair and replacement quotes, contact Precision Electric, Inc.